Material change for good

Replacing Plastic with Fibre-based Barrier Packaging

Our Vision

Barrier Packaging

Cellucomp manufactures Curran®, a patented bio-based technology platform that adds functional properties to pulp and other materials in order to replace plastics and PFA’s and other synthetic chemicals in a wide range of products, thus creating Material Change for Good.

Curran® has a myriad of uses within the packaging industry, most of which are centric to food and personal care which leverages our strength and high barrier properties compared to incumbent technologies.

  • Lowering CO2 (moving from solvent based to water based)
  • Replacing plastic
  • Reducing waste (recyclable)
  • Reducing substances of high concern (no Fluorochemicals – PFAS)
  • Improving barrier properties (oxygen, water, grease)

Fiber-based packaging provides

Brands with Powerful Differentiation

Brands wish to remove plastic substrates and laminates, and PFA’s from packaging but don’t have the technology to provide both strength and barrier properties to do so.

Biobased plastics are not the complete answer, as they don’t provide the barrier properties or, depending on their composition, either cannot be recycled or are not biodegradable.

Therefore, the ideal solution is fiber-based packaging with a water-based coating, offering both PERFORMANCE (strength and necessary barrier), recyclability, compostability and BIODEGRADABILITY.